Matthew Clark: B2B eCommerce Kundenreferenz

Matthew Clark steigert den Umsatz, verbessert die Kundenbindung und senkt die Kosten mit TrueCommerce B2B eCommerce

Stellen Sie sich Folgendes vor: Sie sind ein nationaler Getrรคnkegroรhรคndler mit unรผbertroffener Grรถรe und Reichweite auf dem britischen On-Trade-Markt, der es Ihnen ermรถglicht, รผber 18.000 Verkaufsstellen mit Wert, Sortiment, Einblicken und Fachwissen zu versorgen.

But, your previous solution was scoped as an online ordering platform to drive efficiency and reduce costs within the telesales department, as opposed to a fully functional B2B eCommerce solution.

So, when your incumbent solution is retired you decide to conduct a full market review, recognising the benefits and opportunities that B2B eCommerce can help deliver.
Now, with a fully functional eCommerce offering, focused on providing great customer service, you are in the perfect position to drive efficiency, win new customers and convert existing customers from telesales and traditional order methods to online ordering.
„The TrueCommerce platform has helped us vastly improve the customer experience we provide and consequently our eCommerce customers are spending more per order, shopping more often, buying more brands and are ultimately more loyal“
Richard Hayhoe, Marketing Director at Matthew Clark