Savage & Whitten: EDI Kundenreferenz

Elektronische Handelslรถsung vereinfacht die Verwaltung und steigert die Effizienz fรผr fรผhrenden Groรhรคndler

Stellen Sie sich vor: Sie sind einer der grรถรten unabhรคngigen Groรhรคndler in Nordirland und betreiben eine eigene, erfolgreiche Kette von Convenience Stores. Der Schlรผssel zu Ihrem Erfolg liegt in der Einfรผhrung zentraler Abrechnungssysteme, die den Prozess der Lieferantenbelieferung Ihrer Einzelhรคndler vereinfachen. Anstatt den Lieferanten fรผr jede Lieferung zu bezahlen, speichert der Einzelhรคndler die Daten auf dem zentralen Abrechnungskonto, das er bei Ihnen unterhรคlt.

But, although central billing delivers benefits for the retailer, supplier and wholesaler, to make central billing work, you knew that you needed to work with a partner to enable large scale electronic invoice processing.

So, you opt for a TrueCommerce EDI solution that allows you to process central billing invoices automatically. Instead of manually inputting invoices onto your ledger they are now imported in one generic file through the TrueCommerce system, which means that far less time is consumed in administration.
Now, your new invoicing process is saving your business at least three days a week and the volumes going through the system have increased dramatically. It is safe to say that, without our solution, you would have needed to hire extra admin staff to process large numbers of paper invoices.
„More and more trading partners are requesting EDI – and our capabilities in this area have undoubtedly helped us to manage the growth of our business. I can’t sing TrueCommerce’s praises enough. They are flexible, great to work with and have been with us all the way. Every challenge and issue that has cropped up has been dealt with promptly and expertly“
Cathal McAteer, Commercial Trading Controller at S&W