EDI Transaction Codes

Guide to ANSI ASC X12 EDI Transaction Sets
There are many electronic data interchange (EDI) transaction codes that correspond to information in business documents, such as purchase orders and invoices. These can be exchanged with your trading partners and other third parties using EDI. Each document is called a transaction set because it includes a set of data components in a very specific order and format. Keeping the order and format of the data consistent is what enables the receiving computer system to correctly interpret which component corresponds to the sender’s company name, which represents the invoice number, and so on.
Transaction set components
Digging a little deeper, each transaction set includes three types of components:
- Data elements are the individual items of data, such as company name, item number, item quantity, and item price. Each EDI standard includes a definition for each data element within each transaction set, which specifies its data type (numeric, alphanumeric, date, time), its minimum and maximum allowable length, and any associated “code values” (e.g., a currency code element for prices).
- Segments are groups of data elements that logically relate to one another, like the item number, quantity, units, and price associated with an item in an EDI 850 Purchase Order. A segment always begins with a segment ID, which specifies the type of data elements that make up the segment. Data elements within the segment are separated by a data element separator (an asterisk ‘*’ by default in the ANSI X12 EDI standard). Some segments are mandatory to include, while others are optional or conditional upon the inclusion of another segment or element. The EDI standard in use (most commonly ANSI in North America or EDIFACT elsewhere) defines all these specifics, as well as the sequence for segments and elements and whether a segment can be repeated. The right segments in the right order make up a transaction set.
- Envelopes enclose transaction sets for transmission purposes. Each transaction set goes in an individual message envelope, while a group of transaction sets (such as a group of invoices) goes in a group envelope. All the group envelopes being transmitted go in an interchange envelope. Pairs of segments define the beginning and end of each envelope.
Complying with trading partner requirements
Retailers and other trading partners that require suppliers to be EDI-capable will provide mapping specifications that spell out all the transaction sets they want suppliers to use, plus all the data elements and valid values, segments and any applicable business rules that suppliers must follow. These highly detailed and extensive EDI compliance specifications can be over 100 pages long.
Different trading partners may require other transaction sets in addition to these. But no one trading partner will mandate that suppliers be able to send and receive all of the dozens of transaction sets that either the ANSI or EDIFACT EDI standard defines.
When you need to exchange documents electronically with a new trading partner, your EDI vendor should be able to provide you with the required mapping, so that compliance is quick and straightforward. Further, when your trading partners change their mapping requirements (which happens regularly), your vendor should provide an update automatically.
TrueCommerce supports whatever transaction codes you need, including all the codes defined by the ANSI ASC X12 EDI standard. We make it painless to send and receive whatever transaction sets your trading partners require. Our web-based EDI software automates backups, eliminates the hassle of updates, and integrates with your accounting software.
This guide provides information on the ANSI ASC X12 EDI standard and the various documents that can be exchanged using EDI, including transaction sets in the following categories:
- Order and Financial Series
- Transportation Air and Motor Series (TAM)
- Transportation Ocean Series (TOS)
- Transportation Rail Series (TRS)
- Warehousing Series (WAR)
EDI Transaction Types – List of EDI Codes
- EDI 180 - Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification
- EDI 204 - Motor Carrier Load Tender
- EDI 210 - Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice
- EDI 211 - Motor Carrier Bill of Lading
- EDI 214 - Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
- EDI 215 - Motor Carrier Pickup Manifest
- EDI 310 - Freight Receipt and Invoice (Ocean)
- EDI 315 - Status Details (Ocean)
- EDI 753 - Request for Routing Instructions
- EDI 754 - Routing Instructions
- EDI 810 - Invoice
- EDI 811 Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement - Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement
- EDI 812 - Credit/Debit Adjustment
- EDI 816 - Organizational Relationships
- EDI 819 Joint Interest Billing and Operating Expense Statement - Joint Interest Billing and Operating Expense Statement
- EDI 820 - Payment Order or Remittance Advice Document
- EDI 823 - Lockbox
- EDI 824 - Application Advice
- EDI 830 - Planning Schedule with Release Capability
- EDI 832 - Price/Sales Catalog
- EDI 840 - Request for Quotation
- EDI 843 - Response to Request for Quotation
- EDI 844 - Product Transfer Account Adjustment
- EDI 845 - Price Authorization Acknowledgement/Status
- EDI 846 - Inventory Inquiry/Advice
- EDI 849 - Response to Product Transfer Account Adjustment
- EDI 850 - Purchase Order
- EDI 852 - Product Activity Data
- EDI 853 - Routing and Carrier Instruction
- EDI 855 - Purchase Order Acknowledgement
- EDI 856 - Advance Shipping Notice (ASN)
- EDI 857 - Shipment and Billing Notice
- EDI 860 - Purchase Order Change Request – Buyer Initiated
- EDI 861 - Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate
- EDI 862 - Shipping Schedule
- EDI 864 - Text Message
- EDI 865 - Purchase Order Change Acknowledgement/Request - Seller Initiated
- EDI 866 - Production Sequence
- EDI 867 - Product Transfer and Resale Report
- EDI 869 - Order Status Inquiry
- EDI 870 - Order Status Report
- EDI 875 - Grocery Products Purchase Order
- EDI 876 - Grocery Products Purchase Order Change
- EDI 879 - Price Information
- EDI 880 - Grocery Products Invoice
- EDI 882 - Direct Store Delivery Summary Information
- EDI 888 - Item Maintenance
- EDI 889 - Promotion Announcement
- EDI 894 Delivery/Return Base Record - Delivery/Return Base Record
- EDI 930 Regulatory Agency Code
- EDI 940 - Warehouse Shipping Order
- EDI 943 - Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice
- EDI 944 - Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice
- EDI 945 - Warehouse Shipping Advice
- EDI 947 - Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice
- EDI 990 - Response to a Load Tender
- EDI 997 - Functional Acknowledgement
- APERAK Application error and acknowledgement message
- DELFOR Delivery schedule message
- DELJIT Delivery just in time message
- DESADV Despatch advice message
- INVOIC Invoice message
- INVRPT Inventory report message
- ORDERS Purchase order message
- RECADV Receiving advice message
To learn more about how we can address your specific EDI requirements, please call us at tel: +1 724-940-5520 or contact an EDI specialist today.