EDI 880
Grocery Products Invoice
What is an EDI 880?
EDI 880, also known as a Grocery Products Invoice, is sent by a grocery supplier to a buyer, such as a grocery store, to bill for goods or services. The invoice may include details like total amount due, an itemized list of goods and/services and their agreed upon pricing, and payment terms.
EDI 880 documents follow the x12 format set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a not-for-profit organization that regulates EDI formats in the U.S.
What are the Essential Components of EDI 880?
EDI 880 generally needs to contain several pieces of information regarding the originating business transaction and required billing details. These include:
- Supplier and buyer identifying information
- Shipping and Billing Addresses
- Remit-To Details
- Product quantities, descriptions and prices
- Total amount due, including additional charges, discounts or other adjustments
- Payment terms
- Taxable amounts when applicable
How Do I Use EDI 880?
Often, after receiving an EDI 875 Grocery Products Purchase Order, the grocery supplier picks, packs, and ships it. Once the shipment has been delivered, the grocery supplier sends EDI 880 to request payment from the buyer.
The buyer confirms receipt of EDI 880 by sending an EDI 997 Functional Acknowledgement. They may also review the invoice to check for any issues or discrepancies. Finally, the buyer will move the EDI 880 document to their ERP or other financial system to schedule payment.
In some cases, a supplier may choose to send EDI 857 Shipment and Billing Notice instead of EDI 856 Advance Shipping Notice and EDI 880 Grocery Products Invoice. Be sure to check your trading partner requirements to decide which EDI transaction sets to use.
What are the Benefits of EDI 880?
As a billing document, it is essential that all the information on an invoice be accurate. Using EDI 880 takes advantage of data transfer automation, which, when paired with integration, can automatically send invoices from your business system directly to the buyer. This reduces the possibility of invoice discrepancies, while saving time usually spent on manual data input and can increase payment velocity.
Because electronic data interchange is securely encrypted, payment information contained in EDI 880 is more protected than it would be in email, fax or paper formats.
EDI Format Example
EDI 880 can be viewed in two formats – a human “readable” version and a “raw” data version. The example below shows the raw EDI data, which is usually translated using integrated EDI software, and then sent to your business system (ERP) for use by your EDI manager or other employees.
- Click to See Example
ISA*00* *00* *12*9622309900 *08*9288030000 * * *U*00401* *0*T*>
N1*ST*Test Grocery Outlet*92*04893292
N3*123 Main Street
N1*BT*Test Grocery Corporation*92*0478392
N3*321 1st Street
N1*SF*Test Grocery Supplier*92*054389
N3*621 Main Street
N1*RE*Test Grocery Supplier*1*057685947568
N3*621 Main Street
G69*Test Item