Microsoft Dynamics NAV Integrations


Integrate Microsoft Dynamics NAV across All Your Channels with TrueCommerce

To do business in every direction, supply chain partners need to move data between their order channels and their Microsoft Dynamics NAV environment with maximum efficiency and minimum manual effort. Retyping order, customer and shipment data wastes precious time and introduces potential errors-both of which negatively impact the customer experience.

TrueCommerce is the most complete way to connect and automate your business across the supply chain. For Microsoft Dynamics NAV users, our TrueCommerce Trading Partner Platform offers robust integrations with all your key channels:

Best-in-Class EDI for Dynamics NAV

  • Embedded Microsoft Dynamics EDI integration is Certified for Microsoft Dynamics-the highest standard for Dynamics implementations
  • Embedded NAV user experience puts EDI in the hands of business users and reduces IT 's workload
  • Automates the exchange of sales, purchasing and ASN documents, as well as warehouse documents
  • Supports a wide range of NAV releases to work with your upgrade plans

Online Storefront Automation

  • Integrate your online storefront to share order and customer data automatically between platforms like Magento (Adobe Commerce), Shopify or WooCommerce and Dynamics NAV
  • Reduce labor cost and order processing time to increase the profitability of your online channel and consistently maintain customer loyalty
  • Automatically sync inventory information between Dynamics NAV and your online store

Streamline Marketplace Order Processing

  • Share order, fulfillment and inventory data automatically via online marketplaces integrations for Dynamics NAV
  • Manage all your marketplace orders in one user-friendly system, instead of relying on multiple portals
  • Simplify the marketplace onboarding process to reach more new buyers faster

Integrate Drop Shipping with Your ERP

  • Ensure compliance with trading partner mandates, such as tight delivery timeframes and packing slip requirements with comprehensive drop shipping support
  • Leverage operational analytics to enhance productivity and beat the competition
  • Integrate order and customer data with your ERP for faster shipping
  • Automate numerous shipping processes to comply with trading partner needs

A Unified Fulfillment Platform

  • Sync order data with your ERP to increase efficiency and reduce errors
  • Ensure compliance with major retailer standards to improve your vendor scorecard
  • Automatically send order notifications via email to keep customers up-to-date

Connect Emails and PDFs to Your Business System

  • Translate data from emails, faxes and PDF orders to your ERP automatically
  • Let your trading partners send orders via their preferred channels
  • Save time and free employees to work on other business objectives
  • Decrease your time-to-delivery and raise your vendor scorecard