Webinar: Important Update on E-Invoicing & Tax Reporting Requirements Across Europe


Is your organization and its European subsidiaries prepared for the tax reporting requirements that are being rolled out across Europe?

If not, now is the time to put it on the agenda!

Local tax authorities in the various European countries are continuously imposing new requirements on companies that are sending e-invoices within the borders of each country.

Companies with presence in those European countries must stay compliant or they might risk high penalties.

On TrueCommerce’s webinar to learn more:

  • What requirements the local authorities are implementing, incl. an introduction to the terms Continuous Transaction Controls and Post-Audit
  • Current update on Italy, France, and Poland
  • How to get started, incl. an introduction to the TrueCommerce E-Invoicing & Tax Compliance solution

If your organization has subsidiaries in one or more European countries, you will definitely be interested in seeing this webinar!

Our webinar is hosted by Michael Hoch, Pre-Sales Engineer, TrueCommerce.
