B2B Fashion eCommerce
Maximise sales with the visual presentation, cross selling capabilities and matrix ordering functionalityย required by the apparel and accessories industry

Increase sales with B2B Apparel eCommerce Software
In a competitive fast moving sector such as the fashion industry, where time to market is critical to success and visual presentation of garments is of upmost importance, the TrueCommerce B2B eCommerce platform represents a huge opportunity for apparel and accessories manufacturers and wholesalers to increase sales with a range of apparel specific B2B eCommerce features.
Optimise your product presentation with rich content
When selling online in an environment where customers are unable to physically examine your products, product presentation is key. This is particularly the case in the apparel industry where sensory evaluations play a key role in the decision making process. The TrueCommerce B2B Fashion eCommerce Software enables you to include multiple videos and images of each item of clothing, with 360 spin and high quality zoom capabilities. There is also the functionality that enables a colour swatch to be included in listings, which dynamically updates the main product image when the colours are clicked.
Reduce complexity for your customers with matrix ordering
Ordering apparel in bulk can be a complex and time consuming process due to the multiple attributes (for example, size and colour variations) that are available for clothing. Simplify the ordering process for your customers with a product matrix which allows your customers to quickly see the full range and availability at a glance. Ordering multiple items is as simple as entering the required quantities in the relevant cells and completing the purchase with a single click.
Connect to your back office system
Connect your B2B eCommerce storefront to your accounting, WMS or order processing systems to improve efficiencies and remove the need for rekeying, whilst increasing visibility across your business. The TrueCommerce B2B eCommerce software solution has comprehensive integration capabilities with a powerful framework which allows for rapid integration with business systems including SAP, Sage, Microsoft & Oracle.
Increase your average order value with cross selling capabilities
We understand the importance of cross selling and up selling in the apparel industry. Increase your average order value with functionality that enables you to suggest complimentary and alternative garments and accessories. The platform also facilitates a better customer experience with account management features that inform your customers of more efficient product options.
Increase conversions with customer reviews
Product reviews play an increasingly important role in eCommerce and this doesn’t just apply to B2C sales with 92% of B2B buyers more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review. The TrueCommerce platform allows you to present your reviews alongside your products to encourage your customers to make the purchase.
Accelerate your offline sales by empowering your sales team
Enable remote staff to quickly and easily process sales with a comprehensive sales order processing screen that provides access to customer account information, product lists and stock levels. The increased accuracy achieved from the removal of manual ordering will also improve the level of service delivered to your clients.
Capture all your B2B orders with one platform
TrueCommerce enables you to capture all of your B2B orders on one single platform, increasing efficiency and visibility across your supply chain.
Our B2B eCommerce software solution is ideal for your smaller customers that do not use EDI, however if your clients include large corporations, it is likely you need to trade with them via EDI (electronic data interchange). As well as our market-leading EDI solution, we also have a PDF order processing solution ensuring you have a solution for trading with all your customers regardless of their size or technical footprint.
All of your orders regardless of how they are received are converted into a standard digital format and sent to your business system for processing.
The B2B Fashion eCommerce Platform
Here are some reasons why leading companies in the industry have chosen TrueCommerce as their apparel eCommerce software provider:
– All orders can be captured though a single apparel B2B web platform
– All channels to market and supply chain data can be unified on one platform through one connection to one provider
– Our global trading partner network makes it quick and easy to connect to the entire supply chain
– Our B2B apparel eCommerce platform is recognised and trusted by leading manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers across the globe
We have a recent blog post which summarises the main benefits of B2B eCommerce which may be of interest.